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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

First Baptism!!!

What a past few weeks it has been! My companion and I have been working super hard and in particular with someone really special, Claudia. This past saturday, she was baptized! Claudia has been such a miracle. We met Claudia through some friends who are members of the church in our branch. We set an appointment to visit Claudia and when we visited with her, it was an amazing experience. Claudia was first introduced to the Gospel about 6 years ago but because of certain circumstances, could never get baptized and become a member of the Church. However, recently her circumstances had changed and she felt that us coming to visit her was her sign from Heavenly Father that it was time to take the next step! The Spirit was incredibly strong and continued all throughout the week as we prepared her for baptism. Those of you who read this blog know that the work in the area I am in right now is really difficult but this is proof that the Lord has people prepared in ALL parts of the world, that the Lord´s timing is not our timing and we never know when someone will be ready to be baptized and become a member of the Lord´s restored church. 

I would like to discuss the importance of baptism. As Christians, we believe in following the example of Jesus Christ in all things. Jesus Christ set the example of baptism by immersion. Two important parts of His baptism we follow today. Jesus Christ, being a perfect man, walked a large distance to find John the Baptist, who had the proper authority to baptize and was baptized by immersion. The Savior taught, "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." John 3:5. If the only perfect man to walk this Earth was baptized, every human being has need to be baptized. To do otherwise is to say that we do not have to follow the example of Jesus Christ. The two special things I mentioned were 1. The proper authority to baptize and 2. baptism by immersion. Thanks to the restoration of the fullness of the Gospel that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has, we have the authority, or Holy Priesthood, to baptize. Just as Jesus searched for someone who had the proper authority to baptize, we too should be baptized by someone of the proper authority. The second important part to the example of the Savior´s baptism was that of immersion. Baptism is a word derived from the Greek word "baptizein" which means to immerse. Baptism, like many religious ordinances, is symbolic of burying the sin filled spirit and the rebirth of a new clean spirit. The idea that baptism is not necessary, that it can be performed by any person and in any manner is an idea of the adversary (Satan). 

As we follow the Savior´s example in this life, we will receive blessings. Those of you who have been baptized by the proper authority, think about the covenants that you made at baptism. Those of you who have not been baptized in the proper manner, the opportunity and blessings are waiting for you! Think of the importance of baptism. I testify that baptism is an absolute necessary step to return to live with our Father in Heaven. What a blessing it is to have a beautiful opportunity such as baptism to be forgiven and given a new start. I know and see the blessings that baptism brings into the lives of people each and every day. I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have to help others be baptized. Thank you all for the love and support you give to me while I do this work. 

-Elder Jeppson 
Acts 2:38

For more info about Mormon baptisms, what we believe, and how they are performed you can click here! :)

Claudia's Baptism

Working hard in rain or shine....

Painting a member's home with his companion


 We love our Elder Jeppson!!!

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