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Tuesday, September 24, 2013


 Elder Jeppson sent us a few pictures! 
The missionary badge looks good on him, right?!

Traditional "map" picture!  Comodoro Rivadavia...he's coming for you!

Elder Jeppson ran into a friend from Germany at the MTC. Sister Burt is going to the Philippines!

Hayden and his companion, Elder Tyler, who is from California.

Elder Jeppson with Elder Ranger.  They have become great friends at the MTC.
They are standing in front of the Provo Temple
(If you are wondering what the heck a temple is or what we do inside of them click here :) )

Hello from the MTC!

Hola de la CCM! 

The MTC has been a crazy experience so far! Although I have only been here a week and a few days, I have learned so much! My spanish isn't great but it is a lot better than when I started! It's crazy how small of a world it is and how many friends I have run into here at the MTC. The second day at the MTC we started teaching our first "investigator" Josue. The first lesson was pretty bad.. Lots of long awkward pauses as my companion and I were flipping through dictionaries trying to find words. Every day we learned so much and by the final lesson this past week, I was able to teach by the Spirit and although my spanish is nowhere near perfect, I used all I could to teach about the importance of Baptism. As I stumbled around in Spanish and bore my testimony in Spanish, I extended the invitation to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by someone holding the proper authority and HE ACCEPTED! Now I realize it was just a mock situation and he probably said yes to everyone no matter what but knowing that I had successfully invited someone to accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ was such an amazing feeling. I can only imagine what it will be like to have that happen in real life! The MTC is a very busy place. I am at MTC West in a Pilot program for the MTC. We are trying out a new way to learn Spanish. The teachers here are amazing. They always have the greatest messages for us. Yesterday we watch a documentary on Argentina and I am so excited to go to Argentina! I have already fallen in love with the country and I haven't even left Utah yet! I appreciate everyone who has written me e-mails and letters and for all the words of support and encouragement. Your prayers help strengthen me every day as I work my hardest to the will of the Lord and share this Gospel that has blessed my lives with others. I love you all 

-Elder Jeppson 3 Nephi 5:13 

**Just so everyone know, Elder Jeppson will be sending these blog posts to me (his sister) to post for him.  He's not actually getting on here :)