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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

6.9.14--LOTS of Pictures

Excited he got a package!!

Below:  Cooking a southern meal. Yum!

Standing on another roof!

With companion, Elder Kirts

Pretty pumped after NINE baptisms one night!!!

Couple of pictures...

Elder Jeppson on Easter!

Taken when Elder Gonzalez of the Seventy came to visit and speak in May.


Hello everyone! 

Well i think we can come to the conclusion that within the set of skills the Lord gave to me, keeping up a blog wasn't one of them! It has been quite a while since I have written and so many things have happened! I am still here in Trelew in the same area, working hard! We have quite a few people who are listening and coming to the knowledge of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. It really is amazing to be able to help these people! The miracles that I witness have helped grow my testimony that I know, without a doubt, that the restored Church of Jesus Christ exists on the earth this day. Our Heavenly Father loves us and blesses us so much! I hope you all know how much your Heavenly Father knows you personally and loves you. Thank you to everyone for your prayers and support while I serve the Lord.,